How Bettor Profiling Can Streamline Your Sports Betting Operation | Altenar & Latin America
April 10, 2023
As a sportsbook software provider, Altenar understands the need and importance of profiling your players and bettors in an iGaming industry where trends change and new technologies emerge. With the ability and foresight of greater personalisation through the likes of widget technology and player profiling, providers like Altenar can offer its operators something unique: recording information on players and bettors on their betting preferences to better streamline your iGaming business.
So, what is bettor profiling? Player profiling involves the analysis and assessment of player behaviours and characteristics to gain insight into betting patterns, tendencies and preferences to better streamline content and feature choices. Additionally, the aim of player profiling is for sports betting operators to identify and manage any and all risks that may be associated with any given player and overall, improve the profitability for operators.
Player and bettor profiling can involve a wide range of points and factors, and here is a brief overview of what this could look like…
- A bettor’s history
- Size and frequency of bets
- Preferred betting markets and sports
- Risk tolerance
Some sportsbook providers may offer operators analytic tools and software to analyse bettor data, and with Altenar you’re able to access player profiling to enhance and make the most out of your sportsbook solution.
As an ever-complex and constantly evolving process, player and bettor profiling allows operators to assess their decisions on the best odds and betting limits to offer and a host of important choices when adapting your sportsbook to your chosen market and player pool.
If you’d like to discover more about sports betting solutions and Altenar’s tier-one product, contact the award-winning team today!