February 17, 2025
beBettor, the data analytics platform, has launched its new customer affluence scores to help UK facing operators grow revenue by revealing the relative wealth of their customers.
The data analytics platform, which has been working with UK facing operators since 2019, has now enhanced its offering with the addition of player wealth data for Marketing and CRM teams.
Their platform uses open source data and a proprietary algorithm to rank customers from 1 to 10 using only their postal address. An affluence score of 10 means a player is in the top 10% wealth bracket in GB, while a player with an affluence score of 1 means they are in the bottom 10% wealth bracket in GB.
This simple, powerful data point empowers operators to identify high potential and super affluent players immediately upon sign up and place them in dedicated CRM segments.
Furthermore, operators can use this data to implement highly personalised marketing strategies, presenting customers with the most relevant products, markets and promotions based on their relative wealth and propensity to spend.
These new insights can help operators to identify and activate high value dormant players and drive up revenues amongst their regular players.
Finally, beBettor affluence scores, when combined with behavioural data, can augment player lifetime value models, enabling operators to predict new player value immediately upon sign up.
Operators can instantly access beBettor customer affluence scores via the company’s online web portal, beBettor HQ, or direct API integration.
Harry Cott, CEO at beBettor, said: “We are pleased to offer our new customer affluence scores to the betting and gaming industry, which present a new way for operators to segment their players and personalise experiences from the point of registration, based on their customers’ relative wealth.
“We see this as an exciting new way for operators to optimise CRM and marketing communications to ensure best in class experiences for every player. Our online web portal beBettor HQ provides operators with a ‘no code’ way to start creating new, smarter audiences immediately, whilst the beBettor API enables operators to unlock the power of real-time automations informed by player wealth.”