Friday, February 28 2025

Altenar’s esports product meets growing demand in Argentina

Argentina may be renowned around the globe for its soccer heroes but the country is also looking to make a major impact when it comes to esports.

The talent of Lionel Messi and Diego Maradona helped Argentina rule the footballing world in 1978, 1986 and in 2022, but for some of the younger generation, the challenge is to enjoy similar success on the esports stage.

The popularity of cybercafes plus the lockdowns caused by the Covid-19 pandemic have contributed to a huge rise in the popularity of esports in Argentina, particularly CS:GO, Rocket League and Fortnite.

Organisations such as 9z, Furious Gaming and True Neutral have represented Argentina in international tournaments, while several of the best known teams in the country came together last year to form a new organisation called Camara Argentina de Deportes Electronicos (Argentine Chamber of Electronic Sports). The mission of CADE is to “act as the primary representative and defender of teams, players, societies and organisations within the esports industry”.

Argentina’s capital Buenos Aires also recently hosted a major CS2 tournament staged by esports events and production company PGL inside Teatro Gran Rex.

As the popularity of esports continues to increase, the demand for betting on this new vertical increases and Altenar can help by offering a premium esports product which provides players with a comprehensive betting experience. Advantages of Altenar’s esports product include: 

  • Standalone lobby which can act as a landing page
  • Powered by official-only data
  • Legal use of logos and pictures
  • In-page navigation and custom streaming player

Further improvements to the esports lobby are also in the pipeline, with scoreboards and a live match tracker set to enhance the player experience soon.

Sales Manager Frederico Caputi said: “Our standalone esports lobby is unrivalled in the industry and is well suited to the growing demand that we have experienced in Argentina and across Latin America. The average age of esports bettors is increasing, along with betting revenue and the average bet size, so it is important that we allow our clients to capitalise on this trend.”

Is your sportsbook ready to make the most of the potential that the growing popularity of esports offers? If not then it’s time to act. Altenar is heading to SAGSE Latam 2025 in Buenos Aires on March 19-20 – book a meeting to learn more about an innovative esports product as part of a fully-managed sportsbook solution.
